The elaboration of a CSR strategy has become even more important and relevant to VM Metal Limited. With a significant customer footprint on the global market, higher demands on the company’s ability to embrace responsibility for its actions is now an everyday topic.
The CSR-work is usually based upon global principles like UN conventions and OECD guidelines and therefore the CSR policy reflects the core ethics and values of VM Metal Limited. Hence, VM Metal Limited has striven to compose a set of ethical rules that stresses what we expect of the company, the employees and the suppliers in order to meet these principles.
VM Metal Limited is organised and complies with all the applicable agreements on the labour market. Additionally, the employees are offered attractive work-related conditions such as health systems, flexible employments, flexible senior retirements, etc. The wages and working hours do always comply with the current legislations as well as the collective agreements. VM Metal Limited acknowledges their employees right to organise in any legal organisation or union and to participate in collective bargaining.
Internal environment
A well-organised safety procedure must ensure that VM Metal Limited maintains and develops a working environment, which is healthy, safe and secure to the employees. Moreover, working environment of the company’s shall continuously be rated in the highest authority category.
External environment
VM Metal Limited is a company that operates on a global market with production bases in China. VM Metal Limited has taken a social responsibility in the approach towards the external environment.
Environmental requirements
VM Metal Limited complies uncompromisingly with the current legislation in terms of the environmental requirements. With the exception of process ventilation, no substances from the processes and production are discharged into the external environment. Additionally, compound of chlorine in the production is non-existent and VM Metal Limited strives to reduce waste and reduce pollution of air, soil and water.
As VM Metal Limited has developed from local to global it has become relevant to deliberate on new aspects such as corruption among other things. VM Metal Limited expects the highest degree of integrity and honesty in all business activities and the company must avoid any form of corruption, direct as well as indirect, fraud, bribery etc.
Child labour
VM Metal Limited acknowledges children’s right to be children and to educate and therefore, the company does not employ children who are under the mandatory school age. Full time employees under 18 are only employed in connection with the education of apprentices.
VM Metal Limited expects that employees and suppliers comply with the company’s high ethical policies. As a minimum, suppliers must meet and follow the current laws at any given time.